Become a member

Membership Type

  • 100,00 €100,00 €
    From July 27, 2024 to December 31, 2024

    Full members are persons with actuarial qualifications, who are members of an association of the International Actuarial Association (IAA -

    Full members are invited to  submit the certificate of membership of their association


  • 30,00 €30,00 €
    From July 27, 2024 to December 31, 2024


    Full members are persons with actuarial qualifications, who are members of an association of the International Actuarial Association (IAA -

    Full members are invited to  submit the certificate of membership of their association.

    This category is for persons residing in a low or lower-middle income country (as from 1 July 2023: GDP/capita less than 4466 US$). Please add proof of tax residence. 


  • 80,00 €80,00 €
    From July 27, 2024 to December 31, 2024

    Associate members are persons with actuarial qualifications without being a member of an IAA association or  who have experience and expertise related to the association's mission, and who wish to participate in the activities of the association. They must be approved by the Executive Committee.


  • 30,00 €30,00 €
    From July 27, 2024 to December 31, 2024


    This category is for persons residing in a low or lower-middle income country (as from 1 July 2023: GDP/capita less than 4466 US$). Please add proof of tax residence.

    Associate members will be approved by the executive committee.


  • 30,00 €30,00 €
    From July 27, 2024 to December 31, 2024

    Student members are persons who are studying full-time at a school or university in an actuarial program or who are taking professional exams from a licensed association of the IAA association. They must  be approved by the Executive Committee.